February 8, 2017

A Super Hodgepodge

1. What's the last thing you did that someone else thought was super? 

Super?  There have been things I've done that people have liked and appreciated, but I'd have to say the last thing someone thought was super was the baby shower I threw my daughter back in October. 

Not to toot my own horn, but everything turned out so well you'd have thought it was done by a pro.  Everyone gushed on and on and my daughter could not thank me enough.

2. The last thing you ate that tasted superb? 

I made these ham and cheese sliders the other night from a recipe I saw on Facebook.  They were just ham and cheese layered on Hawaiian rolls, but you brushed the tops of the buns with a mix of melted butter, Worchestershire sauce, poppy seeds, minced onion, salt, pepper, and brown mustard.  You baked them in the oven covered for 25 minutes @ 350, then uncovered for 3-5 minutes.  They were a big hit.

3. Supersensitive, superstitious, superwoman, superambitious, supercilious, supervisor, superficial...pick a super word from the list and tell us how it relates to your life in some way recently or currently. 

Um....superambitious, I think.  On top of work, home chores, remodeling the bathroom, and babysitting our youngest grandson,  I am now into full-blown wedding planning.  I'm also thinking of starting a new blog which will eventually replace this one (more on that in the random).

4. Do you love easily? If you're comfortable doing so, explain why you think that is.

I believe God commands us to love one another, including our enemies, but I have to admit that I am, at times, slow to trust because of past hurts.  I can forgive, but am reluctant to put my heart out there to be stomped on again. Even with family....because sometimes the deepest pain comes from them. 

5. Valentine's Day lands on a Tuesday this year. Will you mark the day in some way? If you're celebrating with a dinner out somewhere will it be on Tuesday or will you celebrate over the weekend? 

I kind doubt we will do anything this year.  Hubby is having nearly all of his teeth removed tomorrow and getting a full upper plate and partial lower plate. He will be eating nothing but liquid/soft foods for a couple of weeks.

6. What's something you are loving right now? 

Books by Mary Kay Andrews.  I've had several sitting around for a few years now (picked up at the library's used book sale), but had never read them.  I finally started on one a couple of weeks ago and I'm now more than halfway through the 4th one!

7 Write a three word (or less) phrase you'd like to see on a Valentine candy heart.  

You go relax. (As in, relax...I'll take care of it.)

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

It's no secret that I've been struggling with my blog the last few years.  At one time I kind of wrote a mommy blog, another time it was a youth leader's blog, then simply a Christian blog.  At one point, to my shame, it was once even a very dark blog where I vented all my frustrations with concerning our fractured relationship with our son and his new wife.  The earlier ones had their followers, but the dark one was my most popular one ever.  Kind of sad, isn't it?

Anyway, I've just been floundering around not really finding my niche or my groove, but after having been at this since 2001, I just can't let it go.  I've been less than thrilled with posting nothing but memes, however.  They're fun and I enjoy them, but I think they sometimes get to be a crutch and real writing falls by the wayside.

I've written longer (and I think good) posts on many Christian subjects in the past and that's what I kept wanting to do...big meaty articles.  Unfortunately, the inspiration was rarely there....a sign (that I chose to ignore) saying that was just not my calling.  I was getting more and more discouraged and closer and closer to finally shutting down the blog for good.

Then yesterday, BAM!  Inspiration struck like a bolt of lightening.  Instead of waiting for some unspecified Christian article to form in my head...I thought "Write about what you know."  It's as simple as that.  Once it is up and running, the new blog will be about me, specifically me living my life abundantly.  I'm going to focus on sharing about and photographing the things I enjoy....family, food, books, gardening, flea markets, auctions, garage sales, and wound through out will be my faith in God.  It's going to be quite different from anything else I've done and I'm very excited.  I hope you all will come visit when it's ready.


  1. I've seen the ham and cheese sliders recipe you mentioned - looks yummy! Looking forward to visiting your new blog - I hope you'll still Hodgepodge so I can find you. Lifestyle blogs are fun - sharing the things you enjoy with others who may enjoy them as well.

    1. The Hodgepodge will be coming with me...along with the other 2 memes I do. Thanks so much for visiting!

  2. Your #4 spoke to me today. I am slow to love because I have to trust first. For the same reasons you spoke to. I am your neighbor, today, on the link!! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    1. Hello, neighbor! I'm glad something connected with you today.

  3. I've made the ham and cheese sliders and they're always a hit. In fact I was thinking about making them for a party we're going to on Friday night. I need to bring an appetizer, and these are a little more filling I think. They're good! I'm planning a baby shower at the moment. What was your most fun thing you did on the day? Any cute ideas or suggestions? It's gender neutral since my daughter won't find out the gender until a couple days before. We might come up with a fun way to announce it at the shower, still figuring that out. Good luck with your new blog. You're a good writer.

    1. The most fun (and the grossest) thing was the dirty diaper guess. Ten diapers, each with a different baby food in it. Guests had to try and figure out "what on earth did that kid eat?"

      Thanks for the encouragement! The Hodgepodge will still be part of the new blog.

  4. Your vision for your new blog sounds great and I look forward to reading it once it has been launched.

  5. Good luck with your new vision. Hope you still write a meme or two.

    1. I will still be doing the memes. I can't abandon the Hodgepodge, Saturday 9, or Sunday Stealing.

  6. Sounds like a good idea and vision for your new blogging effort. Glad the shower turned out so well! Blessings.

  7. Stopping by from Wednesday Hodgepodge. I understand your thought process with the blog. I have gone through a similar mind battle when it came to my blog. I have decided that my blog will just be a hodgepodge of my life.


  8. I totally 'get' what you said about memes being fun ... but a crutch, too. I'm in such a spot myself. The memes make me smile, but there's more inside I want to express ... without sounding like a total basket case, that is. LOL!

    1. Exactly and it is a bit of a pain to censor what I say in the memes. It's not that I hide who I am and what I believe in and stand for, but in order to avoid ugly scenes I tend to tone it down or walk away in some instances. Unfortunately, Facebook is getting to be the same way. Everyone is so touchy and easily insulted these days.


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