September 5, 2016

Happy Labor Day

We are "celebrating" our day off from work by getting some work done at home today.  The weather is beautiful and during the work we we just don't have the time.  Today we're hoping to get at least one coat of stain/water seal on the deck rail, organize and make room for some great books my sister-in-law brought me yesterday, wash the stinky dogs, burn some branches and stuff we piled up working in the yard last evening, and I'm really hoping we can get the twin beds moved down from Mom's in case the grandkids spend the night next weekend.

Don't worry, though, we are going to take some time to grill some yummy food and relax a little on the deck, too.

I hope you and your families are enjoying the long weekend. See you tomorrow!


  1. Hope you guys got it all done! Whew!!

  2. Nope. The hubby's having a bad reaction to his cholesterol meds....severe flu-like aches.


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