February 4, 2017

Saturday 9: Some Guys Have All the Luck

Saturday 9: Some Guys Have All the Luck (1984)
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) Do you consider yourself lucky?

I don't really believe in luck, but if I did, I'd say I'm the person who will be at the airport the day their ship finally comes in.

2) When did you last risk money in a game of chance (lottery, raffle ticket, slot machine, etc.)? How did you do?

I don't know yet.  I've risked a whopping $3 on a football pool at work.  I'll let you know how it went after the Super Bowl.  Before that I may have won a couple of bucks on a scratch-off ticket.

3)  There's a major football game this weekend. Will you be watching? Do you have any money riding on the outcome?  

Yes, I'll be watching, but it will be for the commercials since my beloved Steelers fell one game short.  Sigh.  As for money on it...I answered that in the last question.  I'm rooting for Atlanta just because I'm no Tom Brady fan.

4) The composer of this song, Jeff Fortgang, is an interesting guy who's had two disparate careers: first pop musician, then Yale-educated clinical psychologist. It's possible that many of the patients who see him for help with anxiety or depression have no idea that he wrote this song. What's something your coworkers (or, if you're not working, casual friends) would be surprised to know about you?

I can't think of anything about who I am now that would surprise them, but it would probably surprise them to know that before I got married I was a pretty serious party girl.

5) Similarly, fans are often surprised to learn that this week's featured artist, Rod Stewart, is a history buff who loves reading about WWII. Is there a period of time or historic event that has captured your interest? 

I've always been interested in the very early days of our country...as in from the days of the Pilgrims up to the Revolutionary War.  The Civil War period, the Plains Indian War, and the Depression era are pretty interesting, too.

6) Rod met his current wife as the result of a dare. Penny Lancaster, then in her 20s, spotted the decades-older celebrity in a bar and only approached him because her friends bet her she didn't have the guts to talk to him. Are you, like Penny, vulnerable to peer pressure? Can your friends talk you into doing things you might not otherwise do?

Maybe when I was younger, but not now.  I've learned to stand my ground.

7) Rod vividly recalls being 11 years old and going to see  Little Richard perform in a film comedy called The Girl Can't Help It. When you were a kid, did you enjoy going to the movies? What do you recall seeing? 

Of course I enjoyed going!  Going to the movies was a major event and took all afternoon or evening.  There were cartoons and newsreels before the movie and and intermission break.  Often there was a double feature.  I even remember a few Saturday afternoons when the theater would have a live stage show between movies...like either the cartoon characters or once when I went to see classic monster shows they had the monsters!  Going to the movies just isn't nearly as fun as it used to be.

8) The lyrics tell of when Rod's car overheats and he calls a friend, who doesn't come through. Tell us about a time recently when you were there and helped a buddy out.

I don't know specifically...I'm always up for helping a friend out.  I give rides, take care of pets, bring dinner when you're laid up, help you move (though I actually HATE that one).... 

9) The lyrics mention that "some guys do nothing but complain." Who do you know who is like that? Do you have a friend, relative or coworker who just always seems to find fault?

I know several.  I just try not to spend any more time with them than I have to (which is hard with family members) and I try to let it roll right off my back when I am around them and not let it get to me.  I'm not always successful, but I try.

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  1. Ah. So it is Atlanta and the Patriots playing. I didn't know who was in the game! I don't pay attention to football much. Hope your team wins.

    1. I honestly won't pay much attention to the game, either, since the Steelers aren't in it.

  2. Your comment on the Revolutionary War brought to mind a trip I took to Castleton VT to do a two day workshop on the way I past a marker that "To Hubbardton Battlefield" so on the home I with my trusty camera and dreams of some great historic pictures, I drove, and drove, and drove to the battlefield. When I got there (about 20 miles out of my way), there was a big pasture with a historic marker and a stone obelisk that said this was the place where the historic battle of Hubbardton took place. That's it no cannons, no fortifications, just a big open field with a farm house.

    1. Oh, how disappointing! That would probably be my luck, too. I want to go back further than that and visit Plymouth and a few other early villages. My family tree goes all the way back to John and Priscilla Alden so I am especially interested in that time.

  3. I hope that you win your $3 back and more. When I win small I'm done for a long time.

    1. Trust me, if I win that will be it for a while.

  4. I enjoyed reading your answers! You are one of my only connections here who does the Saturday 9, so it's always fun to see how you answer the questions! Good luck with your $3.00 bet!! Makes it more fun to watch, I think!

    1. I just got home so I haven't been around to visit yet. Thanks for stopping by here, though.

  5. I'm deep in Patriot Nation, so of course I'm rooting for them! Dunkin' Donuts has a discount if the Pats win. :-)

    1. Ha! I don't drink coffee so that doesn't even tempt me.

  6. Tom Brady = Cheater McCheaty Pants. Go Falcons!

    1. Exactly! For one day every Steeler fan is a Falcons' fan.

  7. At last! I know who is playing in the Superbowl. Thank you!


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