January 12, 2017

With Warm Thanks

It's Thursday again so that means it's time to make a list of all the things I'm thankful for this week....well, maybe not ALL, that would take a really, really, really long time.

If you'd like to join in or check out some of the other lists, pop over and visit Rebecca Jo @ Knit By God's Hand.  She's our hostess with the mostest (and maybe a wee bit of a Beauty and the Beast fixation).

This week I am thankful...

* for 65 degree temperatures in January!  It's not going to last long, but woohoo! while it does.

* for God's faithfulness and protection this week.  Two mornings in a row the buses have been out on the roads in horrible conditions.  Tuesday it was a snow storm that hit just as we were heading out and yesterday it was black ice that caught everyone by surprise because it was so warm out, but the road surface was still cold enough to freeze after the weekend's bitter temps.

* for the very patient and understanding parents on my bus run who don't get mad at me when the weather causes problems.  They are, however, beginning to get a little miffed with the school director who is the one who makes the call about delays and cancellations.  They think she takes too many chances with the kids safety just so we don't have to have a snow day.

* for electric service that rarely goes out.  Along with these warm temps we've had some torrential rains and a lot of strong wind.  Our power hasn't so much as flickered.

* for the new cable service on our TV.  They made me an offer I couldn't pass up so we are reconnected and totally amazed by the difference in picture quality.  Comcast's picture is waaaay clearer and brighter than Direct TV's.  We are also having some fun with the new remote.  It's voice controlled....You just tell it what you want.  So cool!

* that the doctors don't seem to think my stepdad's detached retina is all that big of a deal.  He and Mom are on their way to Mercy Hospital in Pittsburgh for his surgery to have it fixed.  It's outpatient surgery and he could come home tonight, but they got a hotel room in the city for tonight as he has a follow up appointment tomorrow morning at 8:00.  Medical science has really come a long way, huh?

* that I seem to have lost my taste for even diet Coke while I was sick.  I sip at it now and then, but it just isn't appealing to me.  I hope it lasts.  Much easier to eliminate it that way.

* that while my husband has caught "the bug" he didn't get the version of it I had.  He has the one with all the congestion and coughing.  Not fun, either, but still better than the intestinal one.

* that my precious grandson seems to have made his mommy grow up a good bit and stop being so focused on herself....something I think might help her in her struggles with depression.

* for all of you!


  1. ... just a wee bit obsession... ;)
    Technology. It blows my mind the surgeries they do now & people are home in a matter of hours. & years ago, you'd be in the hospital for a week. crazy!!!
    I feel bad for school systems in bad weather. They canceled school here last week because the prediction of snow -& it did start snowing on the drive into school - & then it didnt stick bad to the roads & parents were all in an uproar. I was like, WHAT IF it did turn slick with the snow? I just think you cant ever win with that job.
    I think babies are the perfect rememdy for depression & selfishness. When you gotta focus on that sweet face, priorities kick in line.
    Thanks as always for linking up with me lady!

  2. The surgeries today are amazing! We're having weather in the 60's today too. It's grey and windy out, but warm. I'll take it!!

  3. Upper 70's here..boo/hiss. It's winter and I would love some cooler weather! Enjoyed reading all your 'thankfuls,'

  4. Hope your stepdad's surgery goes well. It's good that they got a room close by. Less stressful for sure! Bless you and all of the school bus drivers who keep our little ones safe on the way to school - even when the weather is horrid. Bless you!


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