We Found this gem from a blogger named Erik Rubright who lives in Pea Ridge, Arkansas. The blog’s name is “Gambrinous with Griffonage” which he explains translates to “full of beer with bad handwriting”. It was written over seven years ago, so we had to update a few questions. Erik states that he stole it from the blog “The Melancholy Diary of a Cynic” who undoubtedly ripped it off another blog. But that’s as far as we will go. You’ve probably already stopped reading this and started the meme.1. Would you try a recreation drug if all were legalized? No. I don't have a problem with medical uses but otherwise my philosophy is not everything that is legal is good for you. Plus, life is crazy enough without warping your perception of it.
2. Are you happy that the U.S. Supreme Court once again upheld a woman's right to abortion? No. I feel that abortion is murder.
3. Would our country cope any differently with a woman president? I don't think so. If Hillary is elected I believe we will see more of the same....and don't hang me for being a Trump fan, because I am not. I loathe both of the choices we have.
4. Do you believe in the death penalty? I don't think it should be used lightly, but yes, I believe there are cases when it is warranted.
5. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already? No.
6. Do you believe in God? Yes, I do.
7. How do you feel now that same-sex marriage is legalized? I feel the same as I did before it was legalized.
8. Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA? I think it's wrong that so many ILLEGAL immigrants of any race are moving to the USA. If you come through legal channels then, "Welcome home!"
9. A 12-year-old girl has a baby....should she keep it? Wow. I would guess that depends greatly on each specific situation and the circumstances surrounding it. I don't think a 12-year-old should be the legal, custodial parent of an infant under any circumstances. While a child mother and her child could stay together there ought to be another adult in control.
10. Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18? Good grief, no!
11. Should the wars in the Middle East be called off? At this point, probably. We should have gone in and struck hard right at the beginning and put an end to all of this. I'd say that boat has long since sailed so lets bring our military home or send them somewhere they can actually make a difference.
12. Do you believe in spanking your children? Yes. I spanked mine. There is a difference between spanking and beating. Beating is done in the heat of the moment in anger. Spanking is done with calm emotions and after explaining why it is being done. It is discipline....a consequence that can be avoided by making good behavior choices.
13. A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case....what do you think? I don't really support the insanity defense. I still feel people must face the consequences of their actions.
14.Would you want to prosecute someone for burning their country's flag as a method of protest? It's not our job to uphold the laws of another country. However, if you burn the U.S. flag on U.S. soil I do believe there should be some kind of consequence....a large fine at least.
15. It's between you and a person who is being kept alive (with NO hope) by life support machines....one has to die. Who? Whatever power that has declared one of us has to die can choose. I don't want to die, but I'm not afraid to die. As a woman of faith, I believe that the end of life here means the beginning of life in heaven.
16. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers? I'm sure some will, but I am who I am. Like me, love me, hate me....it's your choice. I won't pretend to be something I am not to win anyone over.
You're right. These were difficult questions.
ReplyDeleteI am not a spammer. ;-) Your answers did not surprise me at all, and I suspect you may be feeling a bit outnumbered today, but all is well. I confess I am relieved that you don't like Trump, though! I wish the Republicans would return to sanity and offer up thoughtful, less, um, strange candidates. Everyone should have a place at the political table and right now I think the moderates in particular are not there.(And you might check out Jill Stein with the Green Party. Maybe too left for you, but an option.) These were tough questions.
ReplyDeleteWhat may surprise you is that what is probably a majority of Republicans don't like Trump. He has divided the party and he won the primaries because many states have open voting. He actually had more votes from Democrats in the primaries than registered Republicans...which is making the Republicans squeal about a plot to divide the party and hand Hillary the win. There is still talk of a contested convention. Sigh. I am sick of ALL of them, Democrat and Republican alike. I would be an Independent voter, but in PA I have to be registered with a party to vote in the primaries. The entire system needs a complete overhaul.
DeleteI almost forgot....I tend to feel outnumbered any day we bring up God or politics, but while I don't agree with a lot of the opinions expressed, I respect everyone's right to them and I would fight to defend the right to express them.
DeleteDifferent strokes for different folks. I've spent the weekend arguing with people of different values over our election here in Australia. I've you've thought long and hard about it, then so be it. I only judge when people try and enforce their views on. Although a very wonderful country, I'm very glad I don't have to live with the choices you have to make in America on a day to day basis.
ReplyDeleteWe definitely have our issues here in the states and until recently I would have said the fact that we could all bring our varied opinions to the table was part of what made us a great country, but we are not doing such a good job of getting along these days.
DeleteOur answers were exactly the same for #7.
ReplyDeleteYeah, kind of side-stepped that one.
DeleteI tend to agree with some of your answers although I answered the questions differently. These were toughies!
ReplyDeleteYes, they were and I knew my answers would not be popular. I think Bud was wanting to stir things up this week.
DeleteWell, Kudos to you for jumping in. I opted out of the Sunday Stealing meme today. Call me chicken. I will say that I agree with each of your answers and you responded in a more mature manner than I might have.
ReplyDeleteThank you for the support. I will admit I thought about skipping it, myself.
DeleteThese were very tough very button pushing questions. The brave and the free just means so much more today, eh?
ReplyDeleteHave a happy fourth!
Absolutely! A happy 4th to you and yours, as well, Zippi!
DeleteYou lost me on flag burning. I think it's a moronic way to protest because it pisses people off, but I'm not for fines. Thanks for playing!
ReplyDeleteI actually thought I would have lost you on more than that one. LOL Of course I played...I'm either brave or stupid enough to jump in with this crowd. Love all of you thieves!
DeleteI visit your blog every week for Saturday 9 because you are a, to use a good but rather antiquated word, lady. I believe you are sincere in your beliefs and respect that. There's a certain Floridian who plays Sat 9 whose blog doorstep I will never cross again because she manages to be disrespectful of others while wrapping herself in piety. As a Christian, that bothers me mightily. You, on the other hand, are more elegant and respectful.
ReplyDeleteWow. High praise. We all have to make and answer for our own choices in life.
ReplyDeleteHere's one more on your side here, Stacy. I'm also a conservative Christian. I stayed out of this one but only because I forgot about it. There were so many other things for me to do that I didn't even remember to check for the questions over the weekend. That is probably a good thing, too, because I often have the bluntness of my granny rather than the soft-spokenness of my grandma. :)
ReplyDeleteHave a blessed day!
Yea! More allies. Actually, the responses weren't nearly as bad as I had imagined they might be.